
Facts about chariot races in ancient rome
Facts about chariot races in ancient rome

facts about chariot races in ancient rome

Today, we might think that gladiatorial combat was the most popular sport amongst the people of Rome, but in truth, nothing was more sensational than the chariot races put on in the great circus of Rome – the Circus Maximus.

facts about chariot races in ancient rome

(Virgil, Georgics III-IV) When we think of the raucous world of sport in ancient Rome, the images we conjure are most often of blood-soaked gladiatorial combat, or of chariot racing.

facts about chariot races in ancient rome

No rest, not stay is there but a cloud of yellow sand mounts aloft, and they are wet with the foam and the breath of those in pursuit: so strong is their love of renown, so dear is triumph. Now sinking low, now raised aloft, they seem to be borne through empty air and to soar skyward.

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Artist Impression of a race in the Circus Maximus See you not, when in headlong contest the chariots have seized upon the plain, and stream in a torrent from the barrier, when the young drivers’ hopes are high, and throbbing fear drains each bounding heart? On they press with circling lash, bending forward to slacken rein fiercely flies the glowing wheel.

Facts about chariot races in ancient rome